The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has ruled in Case No. 101-84-X-0020 (Agency No. S-1-0691-3) that partially handicapped employees returning to duty are entitled to placement in the step and level they would have obtained, but for the on-the-job injury.  This communication is to inquire as to the Postal Service's intent to amend its regulations on this subject to conform with the Decision and to adjust the pay of similarly situated employees who have not presently reached the top step and are being compensated at a salary below that which is required by law.

Document Type:  APWU Position Letter

Tags: Salaries and Wages , Salary Protection , Saved Grade , Rate Protection , Step Progression Schedule , Step Increase , Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Case 101-84-X-0020 , EEO Commission Case 101-84-X-0020 , Agency No. S-1-0691-3

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