DBCS Staffing Settlement 2016

DBCS Staffing Settlement 2016 addressing 2 mail processors per machine.

Safety , DBCS , DBCS Staffing , Machine Staffing , DBCS safety , 2 people per machine

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Recently the parties met at Step 4 of the grievance/arbitration process to discuss the above referenced grievance. The primary issue in this dispute is whether the current Delivery Bar Code Sorter System (DBCS) normal staffing of two (2) clerks per machine should be a minimum requirement to address
certain safety and ergonomic issues as identified by the APWU.

Document Type:  Step 4 Agreement

APWU National Grievance Number:  HQTG20160085

GATS Number:  Q10C4QC16130532

Craft:  Clerk

Tags: Safety , DBCS , DBCS Staffing , Machine Staffing , DBCS safety , 2 people per machine

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