DOT and FMCSA Medical Card for CDL

The Postal Service will follow Department of Transportation (DOT) and Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) regulations regarding the administration of CDLs. Postal employees whose position requires a CDL must maintain their medical certification in accordance with DOT and the FMCSA. Where previous Postal Service correspondence has used the term "parallel", the parties understand that this does not represent a change in policy. When required, medical exams related to an employee's CDL will be scheduled with a DOT/FMCSA certified examiner at no cost to the employee. Any additional medical testing and/or exams required to determine an employee's suitability in connection with a DOT/FMCSA medical exam, will be paid for by the Postal Service until an initial determination is made. If the employee is found medically unfit, the employee will be responsible for the cost of any treatment and/or medical test or appointments he/she obtains, including medical information used to dispute the determination. If the employee is found medically fit by the certified examiner there is no further review necessary.

CDL , DOT , Medical Exam , FMCSA

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The Postal Service will follow Department of Transportation (DOT) and Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) regulations regarding the administration of CDLs. Postal employees whose position requires a CDL must maintain their medical certification in accordance with DOT and the FMCSA. Where previous Postal Service correspondence has used the term "parallel", the parties understand that this does not represent a change in policy. 

When required, medical exams related to an employee's CDL will be scheduled with a DOT/FMCSA certified examiner at no cost to the employee. Any additional medical testing and/or exams required to determine an employee's suitability in connection with a DOT/FMCSA medical exam, will be paid for by the Postal Service until an initial determination is made. If the employee is found medically unfit, the employee will be responsible for the cost of any treatment and/or medical test or appointments he/she obtains, including medical information used to dispute the determination. If the employee is found medically fit by the certified examiner there is no further review necessary. 

The parties agree that any future changes to the USPS administration of the DOT and FMCSA regulations regarding annual physicals which directly relate to wages, hours or working conditions will be done in accordance with Article 19 of the National Agreement. The Postal Service will provide periodic service talks in all installations that employ Postal Vehicle Service (PVS) employees that will include current medical standards for DOT/FMCSA required medical exams. Changes to the current 
DOT/FMCSA required medical exams will also be posted on LiteBlue™. The Union will be provided a copy of such service talks when issued. In addition, the parties will meet at the national level at least once every six months, or at either party's request, for the purpose of discussing any issues or changes related to the DOT medical standards that impact driver eligibility 

Document Type:  National Pre-Arbitration Settlement

APWU National Grievance Number:  HQTV20170529

GATS Number:  46276

Craft:  Motor Vehicle Service

Tags: CDL , DOT , Medical Exam , FMCSA

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