Maintenance Management Order MMO-102-18: Electronic Work Hour Estimator Program

This Maintenance Management Order (MMO) supersedes MMO-013-14 and provides local maintenance managers of Maintenance Capable Offices (MCO) with guidelines to develop detailed building equipment Emergency System (EMSYS) Preventive Maintenance (PM) Checklists. In Associate Offices (AO) and Stations/Branches supported by field maintenance operations, this document will be used to create checklists ensuring compliance with EMSYS requirements which is the responsibility of the Senior Postal Official (SPO) per MS-110, Associate Office Postmaster’s Facilities Maintenance Guidelines. Attachment 1 provides a table listing equipment and corresponding maintenance guidelines. Attachment 2 provides the EMSYS requirements and tasks.

Maintenance Capable Offices , MMO , Maintenance Management Order

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This Maintenance Management Order (MMO) supersedes MMO-013-14 and provides local maintenance managers of Maintenance Capable Offices (MCO) with guidelines to develop detailed building equipment Emergency System (EMSYS) Preventive Maintenance (PM) Checklists. In Associate Offices (AO) and Stations/Branches supported by field maintenance operations, this document will be used to create checklists ensuring compliance with EMSYS requirements which is the responsibility of the Senior Postal Official (SPO) per MS-110, Associate Office Postmaster’s Facilities Maintenance Guidelines. Attachment 1 provides a table listing equipment and corresponding maintenance guidelines. Attachment 2 provides the EMSYS requirements and tasks.

The EMSYS requirements and tasks in Attachment 2 provide the minimum required EMSYS checks and frequencies recommended by current American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) publications and should be modified as necessary based on manufacturer recommendations, local conditions, usage, or local ordinances. Ensure all required safety precautions including but not limited to Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Electrical Work Program (EWP), local Energy Control Procedures (ECP), and Safety Data Sheet (SDS) are added to the locally developed EMSYS checklists.

The development of a facility building equipment EMSYS maintenance plan depends on a complete and accurate inventory. All building equipment that is to be maintained must be identified and listed in the site staffing software application. Failure to accurately inventory the facility’s equipment may result in inadequate support resources. The site staffing projection for building equipment maintenance is derived and calculated within the staffing software application and is based on the building equipment inventory, maintenance standards, and frequencies. Station/Branch and Associate Office building equipment entered into the staffing software application does not count toward building equipment maintenance staffing hours because those facilities are maintained by Field Maintenance, and associated staffing hours are calculated in a separate section of the staffing software application. Other equipment or building systems supported by contract or other means, must be listed, but designated as “maintained by contract”.

Coordinate checklists so all EMSYS components are inspected at the same time to minimize travel within the facility. For example, Perform the monthly inspection of Emergency Lights, Exit Signs, and Fire Extinguishers at the same time when feasible.

Document Type:  Memorandum

Craft:  Maintenance

Tags: Maintenance Capable Offices , MMO , Maintenance Management Order

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Document Type: Memorandum

Craft: Maintenance

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Document Type: Memorandum

Craft: Maintenance

Maintenance Capable Offices