MOU Re: Bulk Mail Tech/Mailing Requirements Clerks/EAS Jobs Audit - Extension for Training Program Review and Jobs Audit

MOU Re: Bulk Mail Tech/Mailing Requirements Clerks/EAS Jobs Audit - Extension for Training Program Review and Jobs Audit

Clerk Craft Jobs MOU

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As part of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), Re: Bulk Mail Tech and Mailing Requirements Clerk Position Qualification - Extension and Bulk Mail Tech/Mailing Requirements Clerks/EAS Jobs Audit, the parties agreed that the position and training program review would conclude no later than November 4, 2023.

The parties agree that the joint committees, as stated in the subject MO Us, will resume meetings until each committee has submitted a joint report that identifies the duties they agree are bargaining unit duties. In addition, if there are duties the committees cannot agree are bargaining unit duties, those will also be identified in the report. Each committee report must be submitted no later than the date on which this extension expires. The joint committee report will supersede any previous report(s) submitted by either party. The designated representatives for each party will be signatory to the report once finalized.

The training program review process is ongoing and the parties agree to extend the review to conclude no later than March 1, 2024, unless extended by mutual agreement. The parties further agree that the required 60-day and 90-day time periods identified in Article 19 of the National Agreement for the revised training program will begin with the signing of this agreement.

Shannon Richardson,                                             Lamont Brooks
Director                                                                   Director, Clerk Division
Contract Administration (APWU)                            American Postal Workers Union,
U.S. Postal Service                                                 AFL-CIO

Document Type:  Memorandum of Understanding

Tags: Clerk Craft Jobs MOU

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The parties agree to extend the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Re: Bulk MaíÍ Tech and Mailing Requirements Clerk Position Qualification, for one year from the signing of this agreement.

Document Type: Memorandum of Understanding

Craft: Clerk