In this National Level Arbitration the Union contended that the Postal Service violated the National Agreement when it assigned a Maintenance Craft employee, who holds a preferred-duty assignment which includes relief duties, to a temporary relief assignment both without giving Wednesday prior notice of that assignment as set out in ELM 434.612 and without compensating that employee in accordance with ELM Section 434.612(b).

Award Summary: Arbitrator Das ruled that a Maintenance Craft employee who is temporarily assigned to work one of the relief schedules specifically included in his bid position in accordance with Article 38.7.E of the National Agreement, is not entitled to additional compensation under ELM Section 434.612(b) when notice of the change is not given by Wednesday of the preceding service week. Section 434.612 in its entirety does not apply to employees who work temporary assignment in accord with and permitted by the terms of their bid position, as provided in Section 434.622(h).

Document Type:  National Arbitration

APWU National Grievance Number:  I90T1IC93049644

Craft:  Maintenance

Arbitrator Name: Shyam Das

Tags: Handbooks and Manuals , Maintenance Craft , Relief bids , relief assignments , Schedule Change , posted schedule , pay in absence of Wednesday prior notice , Out-of-Schedule , ELM 434.6 , 38.7.E , 434.622 , 434.612

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