The issue in this National Level Arbitration was whether management violated the seniority rights of level 2 Maintenance craft employees because six Mail Handlers were assigned to fill Level 3 Maintenance craft assignments.

Award Summary: Arbitrator Garrett sustained the grievance. He ruled that all Grievants who desired to promote to the Level 3 Laborer-Custodial position on May 5, 1976, and were qualified for such promotion, were to be deemed to have been promoted on that date in accordance with Article 38, Section 2.C.1, and they were to be made whole for any lost earnings.

Document Type:  National Arbitration

APWU National Grievance Number:  ACE8432

Craft:  Maintenance

Arbitrator Name: Sylvester Garrett

Tags: Maintenance Craft , Order for Filling Maintenance Vacancies , seniority , filling vacant duty assignments , reassignments

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