The issue in this National Level Arbitration was whether or not the applicants for the position of Area Maintenance Technician in 1984 have been ranked on the Promotion Eligibility Register solely in terms of the scoring of their rated applications by the Postal Service's National Test Administration?

Award Summary: Arbitrator Collins ruled that the applicants for the position of Area Maintenance Technician in 1984 should not have been ranked on the Promotion Eligibility Register solely in terms of the scoring of their rated applications by the Postal Service's National Test Administration.

Document Type:  National Arbitration

APWU National Grievance Number:  H1T2VC17607

Craft:  Maintenance

Arbitrator Name: Daniel Collins

Tags: Maintenance Craft , Promotion Eligibility Register , PER , ranking , Area Maintenance Technician , AMT , score , National Test Administration

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