National Pre-Arbitration Agreement: Article 17; Representation (1989)

Representation , information requests , Right to Information , Xerox Copies of First Class Mail , Copies of FCM

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The issue in this grievance is whether management improperly denied the Union's request for xeroxed copies of first class flats containing Forms 3579. During our discussion, we agreed to remand this case to the regional level for the parties to mutually explore an alternate method or source of information in this matter. It does not appear to the parties at this level that the xeroxed copies requested by the Union would be the sole source of the information sought. Should the parties be unable to to reach agreement, this case is to be arbitrated at the regional level. This agreement does not preclude either party, once the arbitration has begun, from exercising its rights to refer the case to Step 4 should national interpretive issues arise.

Document Type:  National Pre-Arbitration Settlement

APWU National Grievance Number:  H4C4GC15827

Tags: Representation , information requests , Right to Information , Xerox Copies of First Class Mail , Copies of FCM

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