Pre-arbitration discussion of B5C-5F-C-9602. It was mutually agreed that the following would represent full settlement of this case:
1. While there is no contractual obligation for the employer to pay out-of-schedule premium to employees in a training situation, the parties recognize the need for the employees to be informed as far in advance as possible when a schedule change for training purposes is needed
2. Therefore, when it is possible, the employees should be notified of the schedule change by Wednesday of the preceding week.
3. Those employees, in this grievance, who were required to work in the processing of mail during hours other than their normal schedule will be compensated at the overtime rate for the time in question on the day(s) in this grievance.

Document Type:  National Pre-Arbitration Settlement

APWU National Grievance Number:  B5C5FC9602

Craft:  Maintenance

Tags: Hours of Work , Placement into Bid , Placement into Bid Assignment , Deferment , Deferment Period , Out-of-Schedule , Out-of-Schedule Premium , Out-of-Schedule Premium Pay , Training

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