National Pre-Arbitration Agreement (NALC): Article 8; Hours of Work (1988)

Hours of Work , overtime desired list , ODL , OTDL , Removal From ODL

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During our discussion we mutually agreed that management may not unilaterally remove an employee's name from the Overtime Desired List if the employee refuses to work overtime when requested. However, employees on the overtime desired list are required to work overtime except as provided for in Article 8, Section 5.B. This represents a full and complete settlement of all issues in the above referenced case. Accordingly, this case will be removed from the pending national arbitration list.

Document Type:  National Pre-Arbitration Settlement

APWU National Grievance Number:  H4N5KC4489

Tags: Hours of Work , overtime desired list , ODL , OTDL , Removal From ODL

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