Step 4 Settlement Agreement:  Article 17; Representation (1981)

Representation , information requests , Right to Information , Timely Furnishing

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We mutually agreed that there was no interpretive dispute between the parties at the National level as to the meaning and intent of Article XXXI or Article XVII of the National Agreement as they relate to a union steward's request for copies of, or access to documents, files and other records necessary for processing a grievance or determining if a grievance exists. The parties agree that there shall be no "game playing" with regard to the above. If the Union requests copies of information as per Article XXXI, they may be required to pay just costs reasonably incurred in obtaining the information and the information shall be furnished in a timely manner. When a steward requests to review information as per Article XVII, such a request shall not be unreasonably denied and it shall be furnished in a timely manner. The information requested by the steward in this grievance by letter dated July 11, 1981, shall be furnished, notwithstanding the dispute between the parties concerning the information requested earlier in a letter dated March 25, 1981.

Document Type:  Step 4 Agreement

APWU National Grievance Number:  H8C3WC35511

Craft:  Clerk

Tags: Representation , information requests , Right to Information , Timely Furnishing

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