Step 4 Settlement Agreement: Article 11; Holidays (1982)

Holidays , Holiday Scheduling , light duty

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The question in these grievances is whether management violated Article 11 of the National Agreement by not scheduling light duty employees for holiday work. During our discussion, we agreed to resolve the grievances based on our agreement to the following:
All full-time and part-time regulars, including those who are on light duty, who possess needed skills and wish to work on the holiday may be afforded an opportunity to do so. However, when local management is determining the number and categories of employees needed to work, a factor to be considered in scheduling a light duty- employee, who wishes to work the holiday, is the medical restrictions imposed by the employees medical practitioner and whether that employee could in fact be utilized to do the work that would be available on the holiday.

Document Type:  Step 4 Agreement

APWU National Grievance Number:  H1C4FC2430; H1C4FC2437

Craft:  Motor Vehicle Service

Tags: Holidays , Holiday Scheduling , light duty

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