Step 4 Settlement Agreement: Article 12; Principles of Seniority, Posting and Reassignment (1989)

Principles of Seniority , Posting and Reassignment , retreat rights

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The issue in this grievance involves an opportunity for the grievant to retreat back to the Winston Salem, NC Post Office. During our discussion, we mutually agreed to full and final settlement of this case without precedent or prejudice to the position of either party and this settlement applies only to this specific case. It was also agreed that this settlement will not be cited in any future grievance, arbitration, or any other forum, or used for any other purpose whatsoever. The settlement is as follows:
The grievant in this instant case will be permitted to exercise her retreat rights pursuant to Article 12.5.C.5.b(6). If the grievant returns to the Winston-Salem Post Office, her seniority will be established as the period served in the clerk craft less the period served as a part-time regular.

Document Type:  Step 4 Agreement

APWU National Grievance Number:  H7C-2G-C 2213

Craft:  Clerk

Tags: Principles of Seniority , Posting and Reassignment , retreat rights

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