Step 4 Settlement Agreement: Article 37.3.F.4; Posting, Bidding, and Application (1982)

Posting , Bidding , and Application , 37.3.F.4 , Senior Bidder , Distribution Clerk Machine Position , Previous Failure , MPLSM , Handbook M-54 , Part 537

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This USPS Step 4 Denial outlines Management's position on whether management violates Article 19 of the National Agreement when a senior bidder for a distribution clerk machine position was not afforded a third opportunity to begin machine qualification training. A review of the file disclosed that the grievant was awarded a MPLSM duty assignment on January 25, 1982. On two occasions, she failed to successfully complete the prescribed MPLSM training. The Union contended that, despite the prior failures, the grievant should be selected for the training. However, the Postal Service determined that there was no requirement to provide the grievant a third training opportunity. In view of the grievant's past performance, it remained their position that the determination to pass over the grievant was proper.

Document Type:  Step 4 Agreement

APWU National Grievance Number:  H1C5KC4052

Craft:  Clerk

Tags: Posting , Bidding , and Application , 37.3.F.4 , Senior Bidder , Distribution Clerk Machine Position , Previous Failure , MPLSM , Handbook M-54 , Part 537

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