Step 4 Settlement Agreement: Article 37.3.F.4; Posting, Bidding, and Application (1984)

Posting , Bidding , and Application , 37.3.F.4 , FSM , Flat Sorter , Flat Sorter Interchange

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This Step 4 Settlement Agreement replaces the previous USPS Decision issued on April 18, 1984. These cases involve the use of employees qualified to operate flat sorting machines interchangeably on multi-position and single-position machines. During the discussion, the parties agreed to resolve these cases based on the mutual understanding that a basic function of Flat Sorting Machine operators, as described on both the position description and qualification standard for the position, is to operate a single or multi-position machine.

Document Type:  Step 4 Agreement

APWU National Grievance Number:  H1C-2WC10894, H1C-2WC10898, H1C-2WC10899

Craft:  Clerk

Tags: Posting , Bidding , and Application , 37.3.F.4 , FSM , Flat Sorter , Flat Sorter Interchange

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