Step 4 Settlement Agreement: Article 8; Hours of Work (1983)

Hours of Work , Sunday Premium

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The question raised in this grievance is whether or not the grievant is entitled to Sunday premium payment for hours worked on the date with which this case is concerned. In the instant case, the grievant worked a portion of his scheduled tour, which called for him to work into Sunday, and took annual leave for the remainder of the scheduled tour. The portion of the tour for which the grievant received annual leave was that part which actually fell on Sunday. The parties agree that under the definition of Sunday premium, an employee who has a scheduled tour, any part of which includes Sunday, is entitled to "Sunday premium" for the hours actually worked in that schedule. This is true even though an employee may not work that portion of the tour which falls on the calendar day of Sunday, as was the case in this instance. We further agreed to remand this grievance to Step 3 for further processing in accordance with the foregoing interpretation. This document contains two Article 8 related issues; a MVS Craft Step 4 Agreement on Page 1, and a Clerk Craft Step 4 Agreement on Page 2.

Document Type:  Step 4 Agreement

APWU National Grievance Number:  H8C2MC10215

Craft:  Clerk

Tags: Hours of Work , Sunday Premium

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