Step 4 Settlement Agreement (NALC):  Article 7; Employee Classifications (1984)

Employee Classification , Full-Time Flexible , FTF , Flexible Regulars , Flexible Schedule

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The question raised in these grievances is whether management improperly assigned flexible schedule regular carriers to residual vacant duty assignments.  During our discussion, it was mutually agreed that the following would represent a full settlement of these cases:

The flexible schedule regular position is an assigned position under the National Agreement.  Employees occupying flexible schedule regular positions are not considered unassigned regulars, and cannot be assigned under Article 41, Section 1.A.7.  Accordingly, these employees shall retain their rights to these positions until such time as they elect to bid for other vacant duty assignments under Article 41.  Management may convert the senior part-time flexible carrier (PTF) if an employee is still needed in the residual assignment. 

Document Type:  Step 4 Agreement

APWU National Grievance Number:  H1N5DC17507, H1N5DC17508, H1N5DC17679

Tags: Employee Classification , Full-Time Flexible , FTF , Flexible Regulars , Flexible Schedule

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