Step 4 Settlement Agreement (NALC): Article 13; Assignment of Ill or injured Regular Workforce (1983)

Assignment of Ill or injured Regular Workforce , Rehabilitation Program , Duration of Light Duty

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The question in this grievance is whether the local memorandum setting forth a policy regarding light duty assignments violates Article 13 of the National Agreement. The facts in the case file indicate that the policy specifically includes a provision that "temporary light or limited duty assignments will be authorized... for a period not to exceed 6 months... An extension for 1-3 months may be permitted with medical certification." During our discussion of this matter, we agreed to the following as a full settlement of this case:
The specific restrictions contained in the local memo that essentially preclude the authorization of a light duty assignment beyond 9 months is improper. Thus, any absolute language that limits the amount of time a light or limited duty will be authorized, without qualification, shall be stricken from the memo.

Document Type:  Step 4 Agreement

APWU National Grievance Number:  H1N2DC6298

Tags: Assignment of Ill or injured Regular Workforce , Rehabilitation Program , Duration of Light Duty

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