Universal Sorting System (USS) – July 12, 2019

Universal Sorting System (USS) [PDF] – July 12, 2019

Regional Instruction 399 , RI-399 Guidelines

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CBR: Regional Instruction 399 - Introduction (1987)

July 21, 1987

Document Type: CBR

RI-399, Jurisdiction, LDRC, RDRC

CBR: Regional Instruction 399 -- Dispute Resolution Procedures (1992)

April 16, 1992

Document Type: CBR

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Regional Instruction 399: Mail Processing Work Assignment Guidelines.

February 16, 1979

The enclosed 'Mail Processing Work Assignment Guidelines;" provide primary craft designations relative to the performance of specific mail processing work functions. Compliance with the principles contained therein is mandatory and applicable to the assignment of all categories of employees in the regular work force. These assignment guidelines are to be implemented at all postal installations which perform mail processing, in accordance with the implementation criteria outlined below and consistent with the terms of the 1978 National Agreement.

Document Type: RI-399 Jurisdictional Dispute

Craft: Clerk

RI-399, RI 399, jurisdictional dispute, RI-399 Guidelines