USPS Position Letter: Article 1.6; Supervisors performing bargaining unit work (1991)

Bargaining unit work

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The issue in this grievance concerns whether management violated Article 1.6 of the National Agreement.  The union failed to show a violation of the National Agreement.  The grievance file reflects that the duties that the union contends are bargaining unit work are contained in the position description of the Data Collection Officer and are not performed exclusively by bargaining unit employees.  The union did not grieve or contest the reversion of the Data Collection Technician position, but merely argued that existing Data Collection Technicians were being deprived of bargaining unit work they alleged was performed by the Data Control Officer. Hence no violation of Article 37 was alleged or proven.

Document Type:  USPS Position Letter

APWU National Grievance Number:  H1C3QC39303

Craft:  Clerk

Tags: Bargaining unit work

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