USPS Position Letter: Article 11; Holidays (1983)

Holidays , Holiday Scheduling , seniority , PTF Holiday Scheduling

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The question in this grievance is whether or not management violated Article 11 of the National Agreement when a part-time flexible was allowed to be off on a holiday while full-time regulars, who wished to be off, were required to work. The incident occurred on Tour 2. According to the file , the PTF was working as a Senior Stenographer EAS-9, on Tour 2 during the period that included the holiday (Washington's birthday): In fact, she had been working the detail since November, 1981. The file also reveals that the PTF had been scheduled to work on the holiday , but was given off by her request. It is the Postal Service's position that under the fact circumstances of this case, the Union's position is correct in that the PTF should have been required to work in accordance with Article 11, Section 6, of the National Agreement. However, under the same fact circumstances, the union's request for eight (8) hours pay to the PTF for not working on the holiday is deemed inappropriate.

Document Type:  USPS Position Letter

APWU National Grievance Number:  H1C3FC5452

Craft:  Clerk

Tags: Holidays , Holiday Scheduling , seniority , PTF Holiday Scheduling

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