USPS Position Letter: Article 12; Principles of Seniority, Posting and Reassignment (1980)

Principles of Seniority , Posting and Reassignment

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At issue in this grievance is whether management has properly handled the personnel action involved in returning to a bargaining unit position an employee now in the non-bargaining unit; in particular regard to seniority, rights, and privileges. After reviewing the information provided, it is our position that the issue raised is not interpretive. It has been management's consistent policy to return a former full-time regular bargaining unit employee to the bargaining unit as a full-time regular with a new seniority date effective the date of transfer to the bargaining unit. Thus, management believes no violation of the National Agreement has occurred, and this grievance is therefore denied. (With Interpretation)

Document Type:  USPS Position Letter

APWU National Grievance Number:  A8W0478, W8C5LC5827

Craft:  Clerk

Tags: Principles of Seniority , Posting and Reassignment

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