USPS Position Letter: Article 14; Safety and Health (1981)

Safety and Health , Letter of Concern

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The question in this grievance is whether or not management violated Article XIV of the National Agreement when it issued an employee a Letter of Concern for unsafe practices. In the instant case, the grievant was issued a Letter of Concern by his supervisor because of an accident. The Union alleges that the employee was threatened with disciplinary action and a step deferment if she should suffer another accident. During our discussion you expressed concern that the Letter of Concern was singling out safety as a single factor as the basis for withholding step increases. In our opinion, the Letter of Concern does not violate the National Agreement. The letter is intended to alert the employee of the need for corrective action. Local management indicates that the letter is used solely for added emphasis. It is not placed in the disciplinary files. The phrase "safety is an important factor" does not single out safety as an only factor. It does place emphasis upon it as an important factor. Nothing in the files indicate that the program is being used to harass employees.

Document Type:  USPS Position Letter

APWU National Grievance Number:  H8C3DC28661

Craft:  Clerk

Tags: Safety and Health , Letter of Concern

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