Based on the evidence presented in this grievance, we find that the Postmaster properly exercised administrative discretion as delineated in Section 519.242 of the E&LM Manual in determining the need to authorize excused absence for employees to exercise their voting privilege in the school board elections considered. In these specific circumstances, the Postmaster determined that such leave was not necessary because the employees could exercise their voting privilege by absentee ballot. Therefore, the grievance is denied. However, the file is not clear as to the awareness of the employees that they could so vote and the Postmaster made no announcement of such a possibility until March 1, 1978. Based on these considerations and an equitable evaluation of the grievance, the Postmaster is instructed to review the annual leave granted to employees on February 14 and 21, 1978 for voting purposes and restore that amount that is determined to be necessary and which would have been approved if the employees did not have the right to an absentee ballot.

Document Type:  USPS Position Letter

APWU National Grievance Number:  ACN27199, V7838425

Craft:  Maintenance

Tags: Handbooks and Manuals , ELM , Voter Leave , Voting Leave , Employee and Labor Relations Manual , Section 519.242 , absentee ballot

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