USPS Position Letter: Article 36; Credit Unions and Travel (1985)

Credit Unions and Travel , office space

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The issue in this grievance is whether management properly denied office space to the Pioneer Credit Union. The facts in this case indicate that the Pioneer Credit Union is a commercial business which is not affiliated with the APWU. The union contends that management is obligated to provide credit union space in the facility. It is the position of the Postal Service that the language in Article 36 is clear, "[I]n the event that unions signatory to this agreement . . . presently operate or shall hereafter establish and charter credit unions, the Employer shall, without charge, authorize and, provide space, if available . . ." Based upon the above considerations this grievance is denied. This document contains two Article 36 related issues; a Maintenance Craft Step 4 USPS Position Letter on page 1 and a Clerk Craft Step 4 Settlement Agreement on page 2.

Document Type:  USPS Position Letter

APWU National Grievance Number:  H1C4JC32876

Craft:  Maintenance

Tags: Credit Unions and Travel , office space

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