USPS Position Letter: Article 7; Employee Classification (1990)

Employee Classification , Cross Craft Assignments

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The issue in this grievance is whether the carrier direct case, are properly assigned to the carrier craft.  The union contends the work being performed on the direct or segmentation cases is secondary distribution which is clerk craft work.  This grievance is similar to case H7C-1E-C 20275 which is currently pending arbitration at the national level.  Inasmuch as the union did not agree to hold this case for possible application of the arbitration award, the following represents the decision of the Postal Service on the particular contentions the union raised in this case.  Section 116.84 of the M-39 Handbook published under Transmittal Letter 8, January 30, 1981, outlines the procedure for making letter and flat directs by carriers.  Under Transmittal Letter 11, November 15, 1985, Section 116.8 of the M-39 Handbook was "completely revised to define mail segmentations, and delete references to directs and holdouts, which were considered forms of segmentation."  Also, under Transmittal Letter 11, Section 116.8 of the M-39 Handbook outlines the procedure by which segmentations are made by carriers. 

Document Type:  USPS Position Letter

APWU National Grievance Number:  H7C3DC21981

Craft:  Clerk

Tags: Employee Classification , Cross Craft Assignments

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