USPS Position Letter: Article 8; Hours of Work (1975)

Hours of Work , overtime desired list , ODL , OTDL , Arbitration Case No. AB-N-2476

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This letter sets forth our understanding of the agreement reached on January 8, 1975, settling Arbitration Case No. AB-N-2476. The underlying grievance involves the proper interpretation of Article VIII, Section 5, of the 1973 National Agreement when employees represented by the American Postal Workers Union; AFL-CIO, having their names on the "Overtime Desired" list, are improperly passed over by management in the selection for overtime work assignments. Agreement was reached to settle that grievance on the following basis:

1. When, for any reason, an employee on the "overtime Desired' list, who has the necessary skills and who is available, is improperly passed over and another employee on the list is selected for overtime work out of rotation, the following shall apply:

(a) An employee who was passed over shall, within ninety (90) days of the date the error is discovered, be given a similar make-up overtime opportunity for which he has the necessary skills;

Document Type:  USPS Position Letter

APWU National Grievance Number:  ABN2476

Tags: Hours of Work , overtime desired list , ODL , OTDL , Arbitration Case No. AB-N-2476

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