The grievant, in this instance, was instructed to complete a Form 3971 after he declined to complete emergency overtime work. The Union contends that no employee should be required to fill out a Form 3971 after 8 hours of work and the form in question should be destroyed. In addition, the Union requests that before an emergency situation is declared, Management so inform the Union's representative. Form 3971 is a "Request for, or Notification of Absence." Management is within its rights to request the completion of this form at any time an employee states he is unable to perform his assigned duties and requests to be excused. To this extent the grievance is denied. However, in reference to the additional requested remedy, when time and circumstances permit Local Management will inform the Union representative of an emergency situation and the resultant need for manpower.

Document Type:  USPS Position Letter

APWU National Grievance Number:  ABS5237, 3SR4665

Craft:  Clerk

Tags: Hours of Work , Overtime , OT , Overtime Declined , OT Declined , Overtime Refused , OT Refused , Notification of Absence , 3971 , PS Form 3971 , Overtime Availability , OT Availability , Excused from Overtime , Excused from OT

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