The question raised in this grievance involves whether employees who are on administrative leave are entitled to night differential. Part 434.2 of the Employee and Labor Relations Manual explains night differential as a premium paid to eligible employees for all work performed between 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. Part 434.22 lists when employees are eligible for night differential. They are: 1. Participating in training that has been authorized by Postal Service management. 2. On court or jury duty. 3. In a "continuation of pay" status. 4. Serving on military leave. The employees in question were not paid night differential for those hours on July 15, 1980, that they were granted adminis- [...]

Document Type:  USPS Position Letter

APWU National Grievance Number:  HSC4CC20417, A8C1086

Craft:  Maintenance

Tags: Hours of Work , Night Differential for Administrative Leave , Night Differential while on Administrative Leave , Administrative Leave Night Differential

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