The issue in this grievance is whether employees are entitled to pay for time spent outside of their regular work schedule meeting with an EEO Counselor. It is our position that no national interpretive issue involving the terms and conditions of the National Agreement is fairly presented in this case. However, inasmuch as the union did not agree, the following represents the decision of the Postal Service on the particular fact circumstances involved. It is the position of the Postal Service that these meetings are on a no-loss, no-gain basis. Employees are compensated only if they meet during a part of their normal tour of duty. In this case, management acted in accord with the above position. The grievance is therefore denied.

Document Type:  USPS Position Letter

APWU National Grievance Number:  H4C3DC10492

Craft:  Maintenance

Tags: Hours of Work , EEO meeting , pay for EEO meeting , compensation for EEO meeting , no-loss no-gain , no loss no gain , EEO counseling , Equal Employment Opportunity

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