The question in this grievance involves whether the grievant, who used in excess of 13 weeks of leave without pay, should have her step increase withheld when she did not receive advance written notice.  After reviewing the file, it is our determination that the Notice of Withholding of Step Increase was received by the grievant on June 19, 1980.  The step increase was due to be effective on May 31, 1980.  Therefore, the notice is considered procedurally defective.  Current instructions require that advance notice must be given to the employee with respect to a decision to withhold an employee's step increase.  Since the employee's step increase was due May 31, 1980, she failed to receive the required advance notice.  Therefore, we find the grievance is sustained to the extent that the notice of withholding was not timely. 

Document Type:  USPS Position Letter

APWU National Grievance Number:  H8C5KC12545

Craft:  Clerk

Tags: Salaries and Wages , Step Progression Schedule , Step Increase , leave without pay , LWOP , advance notice , Advance Written Notice

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