The question in this grievance is whether management violated the national agreement by deferring the grievant's step increase.  The union contends that the grievant's absences were due to disability resulting from military service, and under the provisions of Executive Order No. 5396 should not have his step increase deferred.  A review of the information provided established that the step increase deferment did not violate postal regulations or the National Agreement.  The step increase was withheld because the grievant was in an LWOP status more than 13 weeks during the waiting period.  The action was in full accord with ELM 422.331 as the absences were not due to a condition listed in that regulation for exception to its provisions.  With regard to the executive order cited, it is our position that it no longer applies to the Postal Service. 

Document Type:  USPS Position Letter

APWU National Grievance Number:  H1C4MC3045

Craft:  Clerk

Tags: Salaries and Wages , Step Progression Schedule , Step Increase , leave without pay , LWOP , executive order , Executive Order 5396

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