USPS Position Letter: Article 9; Salaries and Wages (1982)

Salaries and Wages , Salary Protection , Saved Grade , Rate Protection

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The question in this grievance is whether or not management violates Article 19 of the National Agreement as it relates to rate protection.  The Union feels that an employee who bids to a lower level job after being notified that his present position is being abolished should not lose his rate protection.  The facts in this case are undisputed, as follows:
1. The employee and the Union received notice of management's intent to abolish the employee's job on or about September 30, 1981.
2. The employee was the successful bidder on a lower level job effective October 15, 1981. 
3. Official notification of the effective date of the employee's change to lower level was posted on October 28, 1981.  The effective date of change was November 14, 1981.  This document contains two Article 9 related issues; a Step 4 Agreement on Page 1, and a USPS Position Letter on Page 2

Document Type:  USPS Position Letter

APWU National Grievance Number:  H1C4BC1814

Craft:  Clerk

Tags: Salaries and Wages , Salary Protection , Saved Grade , Rate Protection

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