APWU Locals Urged to Submit Resolutions, Register Convention Delegates Online

May 22, 2012

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APWU locals and state organizations are reminded that resolutions for consideration at the 21st Biennial National Convention must be submitted online no later than June 1 to be printed in the official convention resolutions book. Locals and state organizations also are encouraged to register their delegates to the 2012 convention online, at www.apwu.org.

Online Registration of Delegates

To register delegates from their locals or state organizations, authorized officers must visit the Web site’s Members Only section, and select My Local and Personal Info, where they will be prompted to log-in and enter a password. Authorized officers are the president and the secretary, secretary-treasurer, or treasurer.

Once they have logged in, presidents and other authorized officers should click on Convention Credentials on the blue left-hand column. Instructions for selecting and registering delegates will follow.

Delegate names must be submitted by the president and verified by one of the other authorized officers. The names also can be submitted by one of the other authorized officers and verified by the president. Once an officer has submitted a delegate’s name, an e-mail will be automatically sent to the other officer, asking him or her to verify the delegate.

The Convention Credentials page will indicate the number of delegates local officers are permitted to register, the number of delegates that have been registered by the local or state, and the number awaiting verification. Delegates can be registered individually or in groups. Online registration will end Thursday, Aug. 23, at 4 p.m.

Officers can e-mail any questions to they may have to, credentialshelp@apwu.org.

After delegates have been registered and verified, local officers will be instructed to print the credentials to be brought to the convention.

Union officers can also use the My Local and Personal Info section to retrieve their most current membership records, as well as dues information, records of COPA contributions, and non-member reports.

Convention Resolutions

Resolutions adopted by locals and state organizations will be considered by delegates to the 21st Biennial Convention. Items received after the June 1 publication deadline will be presented at the National Convention as addendums, provided they have been properly authorized and do not deal with subjects already covered.

Resolutions may only be submitted on behalf of locals and states by their presidents, secretaries, treasurers, and secretary-treasurers. A list of previously adopted Labor-Management Resolutions will be posted soon. It is not necessary to re-submit previously adopted resolutions.

Members-at-Large must sign and submit their resolutions directly to the National Secretary-Treasurer, Liz Powell, prior to the June 1 deadline. Resolutions must be typed, double-spaced and submitted individually (one per page). Resolutions not properly certified electronically or signed will be returned.

The National Convention, the union’s highest decision-making body, will be held Aug. 20-24, 2012, in Los Angeles. The convention charts the union’s course for the future, gives focus to the union’s goals in contract negotiations and in the political arena, and improves the organization so it can better serve the membership. A wide variety of resolutions are introduced, debated, and voted upon to accomplish these objectives.

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