Delegates Adopt Finance Committee Report

July 22, 2014

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The APWU Finance Committee reported to convention delegates on July 21. Despite a declining membership and a still-sluggish economy, “the APWU remains in the black for both 2012 and 2013,” the panel wrote.

Internal organizing must become more of a priority than ever before,  in order to maintain the financial viability of the union, committee members said. They provided a detailed written report to delegates after reviewing and verifying the union’s financial records.

After welcoming Postal Support Employees to the 2014 Convention, the committee urged the delegates to embrace PSEs as the future of the APWU. 

The members of the Finance Committee are Jennifer D. Fulbright, Chairperson, Dallas Area Local; Richard Haefner, Minnesota Postal Workers Union; and Paul Delaine, Montgomery County [MD] Area Local.

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