Delegates Debate Bargaining Resolutions

July 23, 2014

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Delegates to the APWU’s 22nd Biennial National Convention got down to business on the convention’s opening day, debating and voting on resolutions submitted to the Labor-Management Committee.

In a demonstration of the union’s commitment to its youngest and newest members, delegates acted on 35 resolutions dealing with working conditions, pay, and benefits of Postal Support Employees (PSEs). Among the most significant adopted by the convention is a resolution making the conversion of PSEs to career status a top priority of all future collective bargaining agreements.

Some of the other resolutions acted on by the delegates included: elimination of the two-tier wage scale, staffing in small offices, non-traditional full-time assignments, holiday scheduling, excessing provisions and full-time flexibles. 

At the conclusion of the convention’s second day, delegates had acted on 125 Labor-Management resolutions.

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