e-Team Report, Dec. 2, 2011

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APWU Backed Workers Compensation Bill Passes U.S. House of Representatives

This week the bi-partisan H.R. 2465 passed the House by a voice vote. This bill would increase benefits for funeral expenses and facial disfigurement, something that has not been done since 1949. It would also streamline the claims process for those injured in an armed conflict zone.

To read more about this story on the APWU’s website please click here .

To read more about this bill including the full text of this legislation click here .

More Calls to “Privatize the Nation’s Mail Delivery”

This week, George Will wrote an article advocating the privatization of our nation’s mail delivery. In his article he writes how the Postal Service is “en route to three-days-a-week delivery” and should be privatized. Rants and articles like this are why it is imperative that you take time to make sure your member of Congress hears your voice loud and clear. Call your member of Congress today and tell them to vote no on Congressman Issa’s (R-CA) H.R. 2309.

It is important that all members of Congress hear directly from their constituents. You can reach your member of Congress by calling the Capitol Hill switchboard today at (202) 224-3121. To look up your member of Congress please click here.

Voter ID Laws Attack Voters' Rights

The Democratic National Committee has launched an effort to inform voters about new voter ID laws. This is a great chance for you to make sure that you and your family are aware of voting requirements this election.

To download the report and read about new laws in your state please click here.

To check out the “Protecting the Vote” website click here.

NLRB Rule Changes

This week the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) voted 2-1 to end delays in the timeframe between when employees file for a vote to unionize and when that vote actually takes place. In the past these votes could be prolonged due to management’s tactics. This is a step in the right direction in a country where an overwhelming majority of citizens say they would join a union if they had the opportunity to do so.

To read more about the rule change please click here .

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