Obama Buttons, Flyers Now Available

October 11, 2012

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The APWU is mailing buttons supporting the re-election of President Barack Obama to locals for distribution to union members and others, Legislative and Political Director Myke Reid has announced. Union members who want buttons should contact their local presidents.

Union members cannot wear the buttons on the workfloor, however. Under the Hatch Act, postal employees and other federal workers are prohibited from wearing such displays while on the clock or at work, Reid said.

Locals that wish to distribute flyers supporting Obama can order them through the AFL-CIO. The flyers also should be distributed away from the worksite, Reid said. The flyers can be customized with local contact information. To order the flyers, visit www.workingfamiliestoolkit.com. If you don’t already have an account, you will have to create one by providing an e-mail address and password.

The flyers, headlined “Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan Will Kill the U.S. Postal Service,” compare the position of the Republican candidates on the USPS with the Obama-Biden position. [APWU flyer - PDF]

For other election information and resources, visit the Election 2012 section of the APWU website. The section has in-depth articles from The American Postal Worker magazine outlining why we endorse Obama and the importance of congressional races. There is also information about efforts to suppress the vote, as well as resources about voting laws in each state, polling information and more.

“I encourage every union member to vote for President Obama and to get active in support of worker-friendly candidates for the House and Senate,” said APWU President Cliff Guffey. “The stakes are high and we can help elect candidates who support us.”

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