Union Calls for April Actions To Save the Postal Service

(Updated April 2, 2012)

March 30, 2012

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The APWU is asking state and local organizations to participate in two nationwide activities in April: Lobbying your senators at their home offices during the Easter recess, and informational leafleting on Tax Day, April 17.

“Time is running out for Congress to enact postal legislation,” said APWU President Cliff Guffey. The moratorium on post office closings and plant consolidations expires on May 15. “Congress must address the Postal Service’s financial crisis to avoid drastic cuts in service and jobs,” Guffey said. 

Meet at Your Senators’ Offices

From April 2, 2012, to April 13, 2012, Congress will be on recess. The 21st Century Postal Service Act (Senate Bill 1789) is expected to be brought up for a vote the week Congress returns. The APWU and the National Postal Mail Handlers Union (NPMHU) are asking their respective state and local presidents to arrange meetings with senators at their state office(s) during the recess.

“In its current form, S. 1789 is unacceptable,” said Guffey. “It fails to address the Postal Service’s long-term problems. If it is passed as it is currently written, it will result in massive plant and post office closures. ”

The APWU and the NPMHU are urging senators to support amendments to the bill that will protect current service standards, resolve the retiree health benefit pre-funding requirement, allow USPS to recover overpayments to FERS, prevent the closing of small post offices, and maintain six-day delivery.

In a March 29 letter, the APWU is asking state and local presidents to contact their senators’ state office(s) to schedule an appointment to discuss postal reform. It is urgent that the Senate take immediate action to protect existing service standards. The Postal Service cannot eliminate hundreds of mail processing facilities and still meet its current service commitments.

On Tuesday, April 17 (Tax Day), the APWU and the Mail Handlers Union are asking locals across the country to conduct informational leafleting at as many post offices as possible, with an emphasis on those facilities that draw media coverage on Tax Day. (Typically these are offices that have extended hours for tax day, but the timing of the leafleting is up to the local.) The purpose of this event is to bring to the attention of postal customers and the public at-large the drastic cuts that management is planning if Congress doesn’t act.Tax Day Informational LeafletingLocals are urged to bring members and community allies to the meeting. If there is a large contingent, the APWU is suggesting that members rally outside the senators’ office(s), while a delegation goes in to meet with the senator and his/her staff. This is not a protest against the senators. Members are urged to wear their T-shirts from last year’s Sept. 27 day of action and to distribute flyers to passers-by.


The two-sided leaflet to be distributed at both events can be ordered online at http://www.kellydigital.com. (Please do not place an order unless you are the local president or his/her designee.) The national union will cover the cost of printing and shipping. The number of flyers authorized for each location will be based on the number of members in that location.

“Whether your plant or post office is targeted for closure or consolidation, the Postal Service’s plans threaten the jobs of every postal worker,” said Guffey. “Dismantling the network and slashing service will not fix the Postal Service’s finances. They will lead to the demise of the Postal Service by making its services less timely and less valuable,” he said.

“Locals are doing a fantastic job getting our message out at rallies, public input meetings, and in the media. We need to keep up the pressure on Congress to act now, before management does irreparable harm to the postal network,” Guffey emphasized.

Please join us for these April actions. If you require any assistance, contact the APWU Vice President’s office or the Communications Department at 202-842-4250, or the Legislative Department at 202-842-4211.

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