This addendum covers agreements on impacted Postmaster placement, PTF Staffing in Level 4 RMPOs, retreat rights. The Postal Service will provide the American Postal Workers Union (APWU) at the National level a list of the Level 4 RMPOs that are staffed by PTF employees. This list will include the office name and finance number and identify which of these Level 4 RMPOs are staffed by former Postmasters. Any issues arising from the application of the terms of this agreement will be discussed by the parties at the National level. prior to the placement of any employees into any vacancy resulting from this MOU. Any disputes arising from this MOU will be handled under the Administrative Dispute Resolution Process (ADRP) at the National level.

Document Type:  Memorandum of Understanding

Craft:  Clerk

Tags: RMPO , Bargaining unit work , Level 4 Post Office , evaluated postmaster , postmaster relief , Clerk work , EPM , Postal Support Employee , PSE small office , POStPlan , Post Office Structure Plan , part-time flexible , PTF , RMPO retreat rights , Level 4 PTF , impacted postmaster

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Document Type: Step 4 Agreement

Craft: Clerk

Arbitrator Name: Stephen

RMPO, Bargaining unit work, Level 4 Post Office, Level 6 Post Office, evaluated postmaster, postmaster relief, Clerk work, EPM, Postal Support Employee, PSE small office, Level 18 post office, Level 2 post office, consolidation, POStPlan, Post Office Structure Plan