Step 4 Settlement Agreement (NALC): Article 19; Handbooks and Manuals, ELM (1988)

Handbooks and Manuals , ELM , Signing Forms

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The issue in this grievance is whether it is a violation of the National Agreement for management to require letter carriers to sign in for stand-up-talks. After reviewing this matter, we mutually agreed that no national interpretive issue is fairly presented in this case. This is a fact situation which should be resolved at the regional level by application of the step four settlement in Case No. NC-S-8696. Specifically, signatures or initials may be required to verify attendance at a meeting, receipt of a document, etc. However, to require an employee to sign that he has read and understood instructions, as a condition of employment for which disciplinary action may be administered, is inappropriate. Accordingly, we agreed to remand this case to the parties at Step 3 for further processing, including arbitration if necessary.

Document Type:  Step 4 Agreement

APWU National Grievance Number:  H4N5CC11608

Tags: Handbooks and Manuals , ELM , Signing Forms

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