2-25-14 Step 4 Re: Article 37.4 - Unencumbered are Assigned to Residual Vacancies

Recently we met to discuss the above captioned grievance at Step 4 of our grievance procedure. The Interpretive issue presented in grievance Q10C-4Q-C13273071/HQTC20130443 initiated by the Union was, "whether management was required by Article 37.4 to assign newly converted unencumbered employees who had been given NTFT schedules to available vacant residual duty assignments." After further discussion, the parties agree that is no interpretive issue of general application in this grievance and as such the Union withdraws this case from Step 4. Unencumbered Regulars are assigned to residual vacancies in accordance with Article 37.4. Accordingly, the parties agree that any cases held in abeyance pending this National dispute can continue to be processed at the Step they were held, in accordance with Article 15.

Filling Residual Vacancies

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Recently we met to discuss the above captioned grievance at Step 4 of our grievance procedure. The Interpretive issue presented in grievance Q10C-4Q-C13273071/HQTC20130443 initiated by the Union was, "whether management was required by Article 37.4 to assign newly converted unencumbered employees who had been given NTFT schedules to available vacant residual duty assignments." After further discussion, the parties agree that is no interpretive issue of general application in this grievance and as such the Union withdraws this case from Step 4. Unencumbered Regulars are assigned to residual vacancies in accordance with Article 37.4. Accordingly, the parties agree that any cases held in abeyance pending this National dispute can continue to be processed at the Step they were held, in accordance with Article 15.

Document Type:  National Pre-Arbitration Settlement

Craft:  Clerk

Tags: Filling Residual Vacancies

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