
Recently we met to discuss the above captioned grievance at Step 4 of our grievance procedure. The Interpretive issue presented in grievance Q10C-4Q-C 14001322/HQTC20130645 initiated by the Postal Service was whether the new language at Article 37. 3.A.1, relative to creating desirable duty assignments from all available work hours, requires maximization of PSE work hours to post new duty assignments (traditional or NTFT). After further discussion the parties agree there is no interpretive issue of general application in this grievance and as such the Postal Service withdraws this case from Step 4. Article 37.3.A.1 obligates the Postal Service to make every effort to create desirable duty assignments from all available work hours for career employees to bid; however, this does not require the conversion of PSEs to career. Accordingly, the parties agree that the case referred to initiate this interpretive issue be remanded back to Step 3 and any cases held in abeyance pending this National dispute may continue to be processed in accordance with Article 15.


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Recently we met to discuss the above captioned grievance at Step 4 of our grievance procedure. The Interpretive issue presented in grievance Q10C-4Q-C 14001322/HQTC20130645 initiated by the Postal Service was whether the new language at Article 37. 3.A.1, relative to creating desirable duty assignments from all available work hours, requires maximization of PSE work hours to post new duty assignments (traditional or NTFT). After further discussion the parties agree there is no interpretive issue of general application in this grievance and as such the Postal Service withdraws this case from Step 4. Article 37.3.A.1 obligates the Postal Service to make every effort to create desirable duty assignments from all available work hours for career employees to bid; however, this does not require the conversion of PSEs to career. Accordingly, the parties agree that the case referred to initiate this interpretive issue be remanded back to Step 3 and any cases held in abeyance pending this National dispute may continue to be processed in accordance with Article 15.

Document Type:  Memorandum of Understanding

Craft:  Clerk

Tags: NTFT

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