
STAFFING OF WICHITA CUSTOMER CARE CENTER 1. Question: Article 37.3.A.10.e states, "Employees in levels below PS-6 who are promoted as a result of this section will be restricted from bidding to duty assignments in PS-6, PS-7 and PS-8 positions other than the position description initially bid for one year from the effective date of the promotion." There are a number of REC employees (Level 5) who bid to P&DC (Function 1) and Customer Service (Function 4) duty assignments (Level6) after the announcement was made that the Wichita REC would be closing. The May 28 MOU does not include any provision to exempt these employees from the one year bid restriction. Is that the intent of the MOU or was this an oversight? Answer: They will be restricted in accordance with Article 37.3.A.1 O.e, since the Wichita CCC staffing MOU was negotiated after the announcement to close the REC. 2. Question: Will unencumbered employees who are assigned to CCC duty assignments pursuant to Article 37.4 be subject to the bid restrictions of Article 37.3.A.1 O.e? Answer: No 3. Question: The last sentence of Article 37 .3.A.1 O.e states, 'This restriction does not apply to employees who previously occupied a higher level." If a LevelS REC employee worked temporarily as a Level 6 group leader would that restrict them from bidding? Answer: Details or temporary work at a higher level would not apply. 4. Question: If an employee bids to the CCC and later decides he/she doesn't like the job, can he/she bid out? Answer: Yes, unless the employee is restricted from bidding in accordance with Article 37.3.A.1 O.e of the 2010 Collective Bargaining Agreement. 5. Question: If the Postal Service reappoints PSEs from the list of those who were separated within one year due to lack of work, do those PSEs retain their relative standing or does their relative standing on the installation PSE roll start over? Answer: They would retain their original standing on the installation PSE roll if brought back within a year.  6. Question: If a residual vacancy in the P&DC is a Lead Clerk duty assignment (Level 7), with a requirement of one year experience in Mail Processing, can that duty assignment be assigned to an unencumbered REC employee who does not meet the one year experience requirement? Answer: No, the one year experience requirement is a minimum qualification. 7. Question: Currently the P&DC and Customer Service share a Local Memorandum of Understanding (LMOU) and the REC site has a separate LMOU. Will the Customer Care Center (CCC) adopt the P&DC and Customer Service LMOU, use the REC LMOU or negotiate their own? Answer: The Clerk Craft Jobs MOU of the 2010 Agreement provides that "Each call center location shall become part of the bid cluster for the nearest postal installation." Therefore, the Wichita CCC will become a separate section, in accordance with Item 18 of the LMOU, of the Wichita installation (bid cluster). The parties at the local level are free to mutually agree to discuss Article 30.8.2 issues within the section. 8. Question: Will a 710 exam be required for a CCC job? Answer: No. 9. Question: What are the work rules or dress codes at the CCC? Answer: The Wichita CCC management can answer these types of questions based on current practice in the other Customer Care Centers. These issues can be discussed by the parties at the local level. 10. Question: If an employee had approved leave already scheduled at the REC, will it be honored at the CCC? Answer: Yes. 11. Question: If an employee has a reasonable accommodation at the REC do they have to go through the reasonable accommodation process again at the CCC? Answer: Yes, since the duties of a CCC Agent are different than those of the REC duty assignments. The current REC accommodation is based on restrictions as they relate to the DCO position. The exception would be if the Customer Care Agent duty assignment is less restrictive than the DCO duty assignment. Customer Care Agents have different duties than a DCO and an accommodation may be different or unnecessary. Please refer to the July 2007 JCIM, questions and answers, 169-183 for guidance. 12. Question: When do the jobs go into effect? Answer: Training will start in phases beginning no later than 6/23/2014, with placement in duty assignments in accordance with the Wichita CCC MOU. 13. Question: Will there be a way for employees to bid all the jobs at once instead of one-byone? Answer: No, employees must order their selection preferences. The system cannot pick the order for the employee.

Call Center

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STAFFING OF WICHITA CUSTOMER CARE CENTER 1. Question: Article 37.3.A.10.e states, "Employees in levels below PS-6 who are promoted as a result of this section will be restricted from bidding to duty assignments in PS-6, PS-7 and PS-8 positions other than the position description initially bid for one year from the effective date of the promotion." There are a number of REC employees (Level 5) who bid to P&DC (Function 1) and Customer Service (Function 4) duty assignments (Level6) after the announcement was made that the Wichita REC would be closing. The May 28 MOU does not include any provision to exempt these employees from the one year bid restriction. Is that the intent of the MOU or was this an oversight? Answer: They will be restricted in accordance with Article 37.3.A.1 O.e, since the Wichita CCC staffing MOU was negotiated after the announcement to close the REC. 2. Question: Will unencumbered employees who are assigned to CCC duty assignments pursuant to Article 37.4 be subject to the bid restrictions of Article 37.3.A.1 O.e? Answer: No 3. Question: The last sentence of Article 37 .3.A.1 O.e states, 'This restriction does not apply to employees who previously occupied a higher level." If a LevelS REC employee worked temporarily as a Level 6 group leader would that restrict them from bidding? Answer: Details or temporary work at a higher level would not apply. 4. Question: If an employee bids to the CCC and later decides he/she doesn't like the job, can he/she bid out? Answer: Yes, unless the employee is restricted from bidding in accordance with Article 37.3.A.1 O.e of the 2010 Collective Bargaining Agreement. 5. Question: If the Postal Service reappoints PSEs from the list of those who were separated within one year due to lack of work, do those PSEs retain their relative standing or does their relative standing on the installation PSE roll start over? Answer: They would retain their original standing on the installation PSE roll if brought back within a year. 

6. Question: If a residual vacancy in the P&DC is a Lead Clerk duty assignment (Level 7), with a requirement of one year experience in Mail Processing, can that duty assignment be assigned to an unencumbered REC employee who does not meet the one year experience requirement? Answer: No, the one year experience requirement is a minimum qualification. 7. Question: Currently the P&DC and Customer Service share a Local Memorandum of Understanding (LMOU) and the REC site has a separate LMOU. Will the Customer Care Center (CCC) adopt the P&DC and Customer Service LMOU, use the REC LMOU or negotiate their own? Answer: The Clerk Craft Jobs MOU of the 2010 Agreement provides that "Each call center location shall become part of the bid cluster for the nearest postal installation." Therefore, the Wichita CCC will become a separate section, in accordance with Item 18 of the LMOU, of the Wichita installation (bid cluster). The parties at the local level are free to mutually agree to discuss Article 30.8.2 issues within the section. 8. Question: Will a 710 exam be required for a CCC job? Answer: No. 9. Question: What are the work rules or dress codes at the CCC? Answer: The Wichita CCC management can answer these types of questions based on current practice in the other Customer Care Centers. These issues can be discussed by the parties at the local level. 10. Question: If an employee had approved leave already scheduled at the REC, will it be honored at the CCC? Answer: Yes. 11. Question: If an employee has a reasonable accommodation at the REC do they have to go through the reasonable accommodation process again at the CCC? Answer: Yes, since the duties of a CCC Agent are different than those of the REC duty assignments. The current REC accommodation is based on restrictions as they relate to the DCO position. The exception would be if the Customer Care Agent duty assignment is less restrictive than the DCO duty assignment. Customer Care Agents have different duties than a DCO and an accommodation may be different or unnecessary. Please refer to the July 2007 JCIM, questions and answers, 169-183 for guidance. 12. Question: When do the jobs go into effect? Answer: Training will start in phases beginning no later than 6/23/2014, with placement in duty assignments in accordance with the Wichita CCC MOU. 13. Question: Will there be a way for employees to bid all the jobs at once instead of one-byone? Answer: No, employees must order their selection preferences. The system cannot pick the order for the employee.

Document Type:  Question & Answer

Craft:  Clerk

Tags: Call Center

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May 28, 2014

STAFFING OF NEW CUSTOMER CARE CENTER WICHITA, KANSAS The parties agree to the following procedures for the bargaining unit staffing at the new Customer Care Center (CCC), to be located in Wichita, Kansas, at the former Remote Encoding Center (REC) site. 1. The Postal Service agrees to establish no fewer than 251 Clerk Craft bargaining unit duty assignments at the Wichita CCC. The Wichita CCC will become part of the Wichita bid cluster. These duty assignments will consist of: a. Customer Care Agents, Tier 1 (P7-06), Occupation Code: 2320-0010 b. Customer Care Agents, Tier 2 (P?-07), Occupation Code: 2320-0011 c. Customer Care Agents, Lead (P7-)8), Occupation Code: 2320-0012 2. The parties agree that except as provided below, the provisions of the MOU Re: Clerk Craft Jobs, Section 1, Corporate Call Center, will apply to the Wichita CCC. 3. In order to facilitate the closing of the REC site; minimize the impact to bargaining unit employees; and facilitate the initial staffing of the Wichita CCC, all Clerk Craft REC duty assignments at the Wichita REC site will be abolished effective May 31 , 2014, pursuant to Article 37, and the employees occupying those duty assignments will become unencumbered regular employees (UER) and remain on the same tour and schedule they are currently working. 4. No fewer than 251 bargaining unit duty assignments at the Wichita CCC, as described in #1 above, will be posted to the Wichita bid cluster with the May 28, 2014 bid cycle. In accordance with Article 8.2.C, as far as practicable the jobs shall be posted with consecutive days off. 5. After the initial bid cycle, any remaining UER Clerk Craft employees wi ll be assigned to residual duty assignments in accordance with Article 37.4. 6. Solely for the purpose of fill ing the initial 251 Wichita CCC duty assignments, and to minimize any negative impact on operations, the provision of Article 37 requiring the train ing of these senior bidders within a specific time frame is waived. The Postal Service wi ll begin training the first 100 senior bidders, on the Wichita CCC duty assignments, no later than June 23. The Postal Service will begin training the second 100 senior bidders no later than July 14, and the remaining senior bidders no later than September 1. An additional make-up training session, if needed, will be scheduled for September 22. 7. Training will be prov·ded on a seniority basis, un less doing so would cause insufficient coverage for non-scheduled days. In that situation, the most senior bidders with the required schedules will be trained first. The parties will meet at the local level to determine who wil l be trained in the event of insufficient coverage for non-scheduled days. If the local part:es are unable to agree, the parties at the national level will discuss via the Alternate Dispute Resolution Process (ADRP). Senior bidders will report to their new duty assignments and schedules upon completion of their initial 3-week training period. Senior bidders will remain in their current assignment and schedule until they report for training. 8. In order to minimize any negative operational impact to other sections of the Wichita bid cluster during the initial posting and filling of the Wichita CCC duty assignments, the parties agree to allow the use of PSEs on a one-for-one replacement basis to cover the vacated duty assignments in Function 1 (REC site abolished positions included) and/or Function 4, until such duty assignments are filled. Vacated duty assignments will be posted and filled in accordance with the timelines established in Article 37.3. The Postal Service may exceed the District PSE Cap under these circumstances only for the limited number of one-for-one replacements. 9. In order to minimize any service disruption, after the one-for-one PSE replacement process has been completed, the parties agree to allow additional PSEs at the Wichita REC during the transition to the Salt Lake City REC, until such time as the Wichita REC site anticipated August 28 closing, but no later than November 14. The parties further agree to discuss at the national level any unforeseen circumstances that may arrive during this transition process involving the Wichita REC and CCC. This agreement shall be without precedent and cannot be cited by either party in any forum for purposes other than enforcing or interpreting the provisions contained herein.

Document Type: Memorandum of Understanding

Craft: Clerk