
The parties agree that the questions and answers below resolve all issues in case number 01 0C-4O-C 15200701 / HQTC20150833. These questions and the responses thereto are not intended to alter, amend, or change in any way the terms of the 2010-2015 agreement. Questions and Answers When the two hours or less of custodial work cannot be combined with other maintenance duties to create a duty assignment: CLERK CRAFT How will the time be recorded when performing the custodial duties? Answer: It will be recorded under maintenance LDC 38 and the applicable operation number (747 or 748), and the custodial duties will be in addition to the clerk craft duties that are part of the bid duty assignment. 2. How much additional time will be allowed? Answer: The time allowed for custodial duties will be based on Line Hof the MS-47. 3. Can a Part-Time Flexible (PTF) or Postal Support Employee (PSE) assigned to the facility perform the custodial cleaning duties? Answer: Yes, when the custodial duties can't be added to an existing duty assignment. 4. Will the employee performing custodial duties receive required OSHA training? Answer: They will receive required OSHA training based on the duties expected to be performed. 5. Will clerks be required to perform custodial duties between waiting on customers? Answer: No.

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The parties agree that the questions and answers below resolve all issues in case number 01 0C-4O-C 15200701 / HQTC20150833. These questions and the responses thereto are not intended to alter, amend, or change in any way the terms of the 2010-2015 agreement. 
Questions and Answers 
When the two hours or less of custodial work cannot be combined with other maintenance duties to create a duty assignment: 

How will the time be recorded when performing the custodial duties? 

Answer: It will be recorded under maintenance LDC 38 and the applicable operation number (747 or 748), and the custodial duties will be in addition to the clerk craft duties that are part of the bid duty assignment. 

2.    How much additional time will be allowed?
Answer: The time allowed for custodial duties will be based on Line Hof the MS-47.
3.    Can a Part-Time Flexible (PTF) or Postal Support Employee (PSE) assigned to the facility perform the custodial cleaning duties?
Answer: Yes, when the custodial duties can't be added to an existing duty assignment.
4.    Will the employee performing custodial duties receive required OSHA training?
Answer: They will receive required OSHA training based on the duties expected to be performed.
5.    Will clerks be required to perform custodial duties between waiting on customers?
Answer: No.

Document Type:  National Pre-Arbitration Settlement

Craft:  Clerk

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