The parties agree to extend the COVID-19 Test Kit Fulfillment Pilot as follows:
1. The Postal Service will continue fulfillment centers in each of the locations on the attached table, to include workspace for kitting (i.e., packing) and labeling packages of at-home COVI D-19 test kits. For purposes of the pilot, the kitting and labeling of the test kit packages will be performed by APWU-clerk bargaining unit employees in accordance with Article 1 and Article 7.1.B.7.b of the CBA and is considered "new work".
2. If there are changes to fulfillment center locations identified on the attached table, such changes will be discussed by the parties at the national level.
3. For the duration of the pilot, the parties agree to extend the exception period for the hiring and continued employment of Postal Support Employees (PS Es) in excess of the 20% district cap in the locations set forth in the attached table. The Postal Service will be permitted to retain or rehire by relative standing PSEs who were let go due to lack of work (i.e., PS Es hired for reasons unrelated to COVI D-19) above the district cap and/or hire additional PSEs up to the amount set forth in the table for each location for the duration of the pilot. PSEs who decline to be rehired under to this MOU, will retain their relative standing and reappointment rights in accordance with Article 7 and the National Agreement.
4. PSEs maintained above the caps in the locations on the attached table may be used in other operations at the PSA or Annex or the facility that the PSA or Annex is a subordinate unit to (within the same installation). If used for performing the work of the pilot (i.e., the processing and fulfillment of at-home COVID-19 test kits), Operation numbers 562, 563, and 564 are designated for the pilot and all employees assigned to the pilot will utilize these numbers when performing this work.
5. The USPS will supply the local Union president at the installation level with a list of all PSEs designated for performing work in the COVID-19 Test Kit Fulfillment Pilot (0cc Code 2395-0035).
6. PSEs maintained above the district caps in the locations on the attached table will not be scheduled to work after the conclusion of the pilot and will be separated no later than the first full pay period following the conclusion of the pilot unless retained in accordance with the National Agreement. All separations of PSEs in accordance with this MOU will be done pursuant to the National Agreement, including separation by inverse relative standing on the appropriate PSE roll.
7. There will be a daily inventory control for the COVID-29 test kits.
8. Full-time career clerks assigned or detailed to PSAs or Annexes designated as part of this pilot and who are on the overtime Desire List will be afforded maximum overtime opportunities (up to 12 hours/day and 60 hours in a service week) for the duration of the pilot.
9. The COVID-19 Test Kit Fulfillment Pilot PSE Retention Lists MOU and COVID-19 Test Kit Fulfillment Pilot Union Representation MOU are still applicable.
10. The pilot will be extended to July 29, 2022, unless extended by mutual agreement. The Postal Service reserves the right to terminate the pilot prior to the conclusion of the extension period.
The parties agree to further discussion on issues concerning this new work pilot as it evolves. This MOU will not be cited in any future arbitration except to enforce its terms.
Document Type: Memorandum of Understanding
Craft: Clerk