Grievance handling for Article 16.7 Emergency procedure

Grievances for employees placed in an of-duty status pursuant to Article 16.7 may be appealed directly to arbitration from step 2.

Emergency Placement. Article 16.7. off-duty status , Article 16.7 disciplinary , Article 16.7 non-disciplinary , Discipline

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This letter confirms our mutual understanding regarding the above-referenced subject discussed with Doug Tulino on May 25, 1999.
We agree that when an employee is placed on an off-duty status pursuant to Article 16, Section 7, the union may appeal a timely grievance denied at Step 2 directly to arbitration in accordance with Article 15.2, Step 2 (h). This includes disciplinary as well as non-disciplinary actions taken under the provisions of Article 16. 7. Further, we agree that when these issues are appealed to arbitration, we will continue to certify them to be heard in arbitration on the regular arbitration panels.

Document Type:  Memorandum

Craft:  All CraftClerkMaintenanceMotor Vehicle ServiceSupport Services

Tags: Emergency Placement. Article 16.7. off-duty status , Article 16.7 disciplinary , Article 16.7 non-disciplinary , Discipline

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