Mail Processing Clerk MOU Q&A

Does this give employees day-to-day seniority rights? Yes, when moving Mall Processing Clerk employee(s) with the same skills out of theirprincipal assignment area, they will be moved byjuniority. Applying seniority in this manner is limited strictly to the provisions of the May 9, 2002 Memorandum of Understanding. What does day-to-day seniority mean forthis application? It means that when the employer determines a need to assign a Mall Processing Clerk employee or a number of Mall Processing Clerk employees from their principal assignment area in accordance with the May 9, 2002 MOU, the Mall Processing Clerk employees with the same skills are moved byjuniority (with the noted exception in Question I of the May 9, 2002 questions). As an example, there are two Mall Processing Clerk employees with the same skills in their duty assignment and the same principal assignment area; management determines it needs one of these Mall Processing Clerk employees to work outside the principal assignment area, When moving the Mall Processing Clerk employee, management will take thejunior Mail Processing Clerk employee with the skills. Again, applying seniority in this manner is limited to the terms of the May 9, 2002 MOU.

mail processing , Mail Processor , mail processing clerk

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Does this give employees day-to-day seniority rights? Yes, when moving Mall Processing Clerk employee(s) with the same skills out of theirprincipal assignment area, they will be moved byjuniority. Applying seniority in this manner is limited strictly to the provisions of the May 9, 2002 Memorandum of Understanding. What does day-to-day seniority mean forthis application? It means that when the employer determines a need to assign a Mall Processing Clerk employee or a number of Mall Processing Clerk employees from their principal assignment area in accordance with the May 9, 2002 MOU, the Mall Processing Clerk employees with the same skills are moved byjuniority (with the noted exception in Question I of the May 9, 2002 questions). As an example, there are two Mall Processing Clerk employees with the same skills in their duty assignment and the same principal assignment area; management determines it needs one of these Mall Processing Clerk employees to work outside the principal assignment area, When moving the Mall Processing Clerk employee, management will take thejunior Mail Processing Clerk employee with the skills. Again, applying seniority in this manner is limited to the terms of the May 9, 2002 MOU.

Document Type:  Question & Answer

Craft:  Clerk

Tags: mail processing , Mail Processor , mail processing clerk

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Mail Processing Clerk Position MOU

May 9, 2002

MOU on the combining of the Level 5 Mail Processing and Distribution Clerk jobs into the Mail Processing Clerk.

Document Type: Memorandum of Understanding

Craft: Clerk

Mail Processor, mail processing clerk, Distribution Clerk

Mail Processing Clerk Position Memo

May 9, 2002

The Postal Semite notified the American Postal Workers Union (AP1h'L}ky letter dated March 1, 2002, of its' decision to implement a new position of Mail Processing Clerk pursuant to Article i, Section 5 of the USPSIAPWU Collective Bargaining Agreement. The Postal Service additionally notified the APWU by letter dated April 30, 2002, that the Mail Processing Clerk position would become effective May 4, 2002. The parties agree that the Mail Processor position duties and responsibilities will be combined with Level 5 Mail Processing and Distribution positions' duties to establish one position description entitled Mail Processing Clerk, PS-5. The Mail Processing Clerk, PS-5 position wits replace the following job descriptions: Mail Processor, PS-5 Distribution Clerk, PS-5 Optical Character Reader Operator, PS-5 Implementation Procedures All current employees in the passion descriptions listed above will be automatically played in the newly established Mail Processing Clerk position. Mail Processing Clerk, Level 5, notice of duty assignments, when posted, will continue to contain information required in Article 37.3.E., which includes in #5: 'The principal assignment area (panel past, incoming or outgoing in the main offices, or specified station, branch, or other location(s) where the greater portion of the assignment WI'l~ be performed) .' The employees' current duty assignments will continue unless charged by management in accordance wish the appropriate provisions of the Collective Bargaining Agreement it is understood that employees in the Mail Processing Clerk, Level 5 position may be assigned in mail processing operations in accordance with the employees' training and qualifications, and in accordance with the Collective Bargaining Agreement This understanding is made far the purposes described above and is not intended to otter any of the provisions of the Collective Bargaining Agreement The agreement is made without prejudice or precedent to either party's position with respect to position descriptions a any other provision of the National Agreement

Document Type: Memorandum of Understanding

Craft: Clerk

mail processing clerk, mail processing, Distribution Clerk, Distribution Mail Processors