MMO-136-19 - SSIU (NDC) Operational Maintenance

This Maintenance Management Order (MMO) provides Network Distribution Center (NDC) Operational Maintenance Guidelines for the Singulate Scan Induction Unit (SSIU). This bulletin supersedes MMO-076-12. The acronym is SSIU. The class codes are AA, BA, CA, CB, DA, EA, FA, GA, HA, IA, and JA.

Maintenance , MMO

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This Maintenance Management Order (MMO) provides Network Distribution Center (NDC) Operational Maintenance Guidelines for the Singulate Scan Induction Unit (SSIU). This bulletin supersedes MMO-076-12. The acronym is SSIU. The class codes are AA, BA, CA, CB, DA, EA, FA, GA, HA, IA, and JA.

Document Type:  Memorandum

Craft:  Maintenance

Tags: Maintenance , MMO

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